Report on Women in Engineering session at UkrMW 2022
The NanoBat consortium was happy to join the 2022 IEEE 2nd Ukrainian Microwave Week which took place in an online format on November 14-18, 2022.
This was largely at the initiative of Malgorzata Celuch from NanoBat partner QWED. Malgorzata served as member of the Techncial Programme Committee and she also gave an invited lecture on “Microwave characterisation and modelling of materials in European initiatives”. In addition, supported by the NanoBat project consortium and IEEE Women in Engineering (and specifically – the speakers of a sister event held at MIKON-MRW in Gdansk in September 2022), she organised a Women in Engineering Meeting, where professional and personal experiences were shared in support of the Ukrainian (and specifically female) researchers.
A report on this session is now available!
Please find the report here in PDF format or online.